Saturday, September 7, 2013

Paleo Diet from a Medical Perspective

Neurosurgeon Dr. John Oro talks about the paleo diet, both from personal experience and as a medical doctor, in this interview by certified nutritionist Jolene Park.
What benefits do you see with the paleo diet in recommending it to your patients?
Well, the paleo diet is basically...
Read more...Paleo Diet from a Medical Perspective

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Carbs on a Paleo Diet: How Much to Eat? (Robb Wolf)

Robb Wolf, author of The Paleo Solution, answers a question regarding the amount of carbohydrates one should consume on a paleo diet. The short answer: it depends.
What does the paleo diet say about carb intake? Really the paleo diet gets painted as a low carb diet. It’s...
Read more...Carbs on a Paleo Diet: How Much to Eat? (Robb Wolf)